Brussels Comic Strip Wall Tour

A 9 km walking tour guide in English in Brussels featuring 66 highlights.
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Guide Description

Brussels has a long tradition of murals.

The City of Brussels started producing its own comic strip murals in 1993. They have been included in a tour that stretches across the city. Now very popular with tourists, the tour includes 31 walls in the central Pentagon area and four walls in Laeken. People following it can therefore take a nice stroll and discover Brussels in a different manner. This tour is today an integral part of the city’s heritage. It is something we would like to spotlight during the comic strips theme year, by ensuring the murals are known and recognised by everyone and by turning them into some of the most popular tourist attractions of our capital – the home of comic strips! Besides the murals, some streets in Brussels will be given two plaques, one of which is fictional. This will be an amusing reference to Belgian comic strips.

Coverimage: Bruxelles by OliBac (CC BY 2.0)

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Start Point

1000, Brussels
Brussels, BE



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This guide consists of 68 images 63 text items 4 POIs


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